This year's virus trick

Tips & Hints

Will the headline news be this year’s virus trick?

Virus writers have used all sorts of ploys to get us to open their wares. From pictures of tennis players to jokes and greetings, they have successfully fooled many people. We’re all getting pretty savvy to their ticks.

Anti-virus company Sophos have announced a new virus that scours the news sites for suitable subjects lines. This is a worrying trick as many of us will open an email with a current headline as the topic. It looks like this is an early warning for the tricks we can expect to see in the next few months.

This is a good opportunity to remind users on how to avoid email viruses. Don’t trust emails from anyone, even people you know, be careful of attachments, and keep an up-to-date virus checker. These people are devious, so you need to keep on guard.

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ŠTechnology Publishing Australia, 2011