distressed   Problem of the week

Tips & Hints

Protect your passwords

This week we had a call from someone who could not connect to the Internet. Almost immediately after arriving the problem was obvious: The password was incorrect. After trying every conceivable password we gave up, the client called the ISP, changed the password and the problem was fixed.

The customer was adamant that she had not changed the password. But she did mention that the person who set the machine up had been accessing her mailbox, harassing her and the people she received mail from. Obviously that person had her account details and changed her password.

You password is as good as money, your money. At the very least, an unscrupulous person with your username and password has unlimited access to your Internet account. Bills of several thousand dollars are not unknown. Worse, if you use the same password for other things those are vulnerable too. Some people use one PIN for all their bank accounts and computer passwords. Imagine what can happen if a crook gets hold of that PIN?

Password protection is important. Use an obscure combination of letters and numbers, do not give it out to people you do not know. Be careful letting the kids or your colleagues know your passwords.

And remember, do not write your password down and stick it to your computer monitor.

PC Rescue Pty Ltd
Suite 236, 4 Young Street Neutral Bay NSW 2089
ABN 082 635 765
ŠTechnology Publishing Australia, 2011